The ocean wave retrieval method is designed on the basis of the signal formation principle of an ocean wave spectrometer. By using the spectra estimation methods via the auto-correlation and cross-correlation functions,the two-dimensional ocean wave spectrum is obtained. Finally, after comparing the spectrum received from the buoy and that retrieved from the spectrometer, the effectiveness of detecting a two-dimensional spectrum from an airborne spectrometer is evaluated. We observe that in the environment of flight, the results of the methods using the auto-correlation and cross-correlation functions for retrieving ocean wave spectrum are consistent with that obtained from the buoy. From the cross spectrum, the ambiguity of 180° is excluded, although the significant wave height is smaller than that from auto-correlation method. When the sea-slope variance is calculated, the radar backscattering coefficients of the incidence angles at 5°–12° are fitted. Therefore, calibration of the radar backscattering coefficients is not required. Moreover, the future spaceborne spectrometer will be able to attain calibration of the radar backscattering coefficients using multibeam joints.