Based on the WRF model and its three-dimensional variational assimilation system, this paper did a high-resolution numerical simulation study with assimilated AMDAR data on a clear-air turbulence (CAT) on an overseas route above the South China Sea in order to explore the relationship between subtropical jet streams and the CAT. Through the simulation and analysis on the horizontal and vertical fields of wind, pressure and temper- ature, our work comes to the following conclusions : ( 1 ) There were obvious atmospheric gravity wave activities on the spot of incidence and the surrounding area of the South China Sea CAT; (2) The atmospheric gravity waves affecting this CAT mainly came from a subtropical jet stream and ageostrophic flow; (3) The atmospheric gravity waves produced from the jet area and ageostrophic flow are transmitting horizontally or vertically to form the CAT through disturbing local atmospheric environment to the level of Kelvin Helmhohz instability and iner- tial instability in anticyclonic flow at the south side of jet streams, thus breaking waveform.