为了解环境与施磷量对四川小麦淀粉品质的影响,以四川省育成的7个代表性小麦品种为材料,于2013-2014年在四川仁寿(盆中丘陵麦区)、温江(川西平原麦区)及雅安(川西南山地麦区)3个生态点,研究了不同施磷(P2O5)量(0、75和150kg·hm-2)对四川小麦淀粉特性的影响。结果表明,环境、基因型、施磷量及其互作对小麦淀粉特性影响显著;生态点间比较,淀粉特性整体表现为仁寿〉温江〉雅安,淀粉的峰值黏度、低谷黏度、最终黏度及回复值均表现为仁寿点显著高于雅安点,膨胀势则表现为温江点显著低于雅安点和仁寿点。基因型间比较,淀粉品质以蜀麦482(强筋)最优,绵麦37(中筋)次之,良麦4号(弱筋)最劣。增施磷肥可显著提高淀粉峰值黏度和膨胀势,均以施磷150kg·hm-2最大,磷肥通过与环境、基因型的互作影响淀粉其他参数(低谷黏度、最终黏度、崩解值),仁寿点小麦淀粉RVA特征谱参数随施磷量增加而增加,温江点则呈相反趋势。温江点川麦55(中筋)、蜀麦482(强筋)在不同施磷量下峰值黏度均≥2 900cp;仁寿点则在施磷75kg·hm-2时,绵麦37(中筋)和蜀麦482(强筋)的峰值黏度≥2 900cp,达到优质面条小麦标准。川西平原麦区选用川麦55、蜀麦482可实现优质面条小麦生产;盆中丘陵麦区作为四川小麦的主产区域,选用绵麦37、蜀麦482,结合施磷(P2O5)75kg·hm-2可实现优质面条小麦生产。
To evaluate the effects of environment and phosphorus application and their interaction on starch properties of wheat,7wheat cultivars that represent strong,medium and weak gluten properties were studied at 3locations in Sichuan province in the growing season of 2013-2014.The results showed that the location,genotype,phosphorus application and their interaction had significant influence on starch properties of wheat.The phosphorus application had significant effect on peak viscosity and swelling power,with the highest value of starch properties of wheat observed under the 150kg·hm-2 treatment.With phosphorus application rate increased,the RVA parameters of wheat at Renshou increased while that at Wenjiang decreased.Comparison of main starch pasting parameters among locations,peak viscosity,trough viscosity,final viscosity and setback at Renshou were higher than those at Ya'an.It was concluded that the values of starch properties of wheat in different loca-tions were ranked as Renshou WenjiangYa'an.Starch properties value of Shumai 482 was the best,followed by Mianmai 37,and Liangmai 4was the worst one.The results also indicated that the peak viscosity of Chuanmai 55 and Shumai 482 with any phosphorus application at Wenjiang,Mianmai37 and Shumai 482 with 75kg·hm-2 at Renshou were more than 2 900 cp,which represented noodle quality standards.Chuanmai 55 and Shumai 482 in western Sichuan plain,Mianmai 37 and Shumai 482 combined with P2O575kg·hm-2 in central hilly region of Sichuan basin can yield high quality wheat for noodle.