江西水资源丰富,河系发达,但水污染治理形势不容乐观.为解决当前严重的河湖 污染及传统条块分割治理体制机制不畅问题,江西开启了独具特色的河长制治理序幕.河长 制实施后取得了一定成效,但也存在诸多问题.城市内河区域工农业发达,公众的保护意识 和能力较强,高校和民间公益组织众多,引导和培育“民间河长”的基础条件成熟.构建民 间河长体系将对“河长制”产生有益的补充.
Though boasted with rich water resources and abundant river system, Jiangxi Province still face grim situation in the prevention and control of water pollution. In order to answer the call of water ecosystem conservation under the new circumstances, to solve the current severe river and lake pollution as well as to streamline the institutional mechanism, Jiangxi introduced a distinctive governance method featuring "River Chief". Such practice received certain achievements but also had some deficiencies, while to put in place "Non-governmental River Chief" by fully utilizing non-governmental organizations in the city can be a feasible manner to solve the current problems of "river chief" system.