文章在前人研究的基础上,主要利用赣方言、粤方言、闽方言、汉越语、朝鲜汉字音等材料探讨了《韵会》赀字母韵的性质和音值,得出如下结论:一是音韵史上止摄开口精庄组字曾经独自成韵,《古今韵会举要》的赀字母韵正是这一语言事实的客观记录;二是赀字母韵音值宜依董同龢、竺家宁拟为舌尖元音*-(- 、- )。
Based on the former study,this paper discusses the nature and value of Rhyme Zi( 赀) in Yunhui( 《韵会》) by the evidence in Chinese dialects, Sino-Vietnamese sound and Sino-Korean sound. The conclusions are as follows:( 1) Rhyme Zi( 赀) in Yunhui( 《韵会》) made an objective recording of the ancient common Chinese;( 2) The value of Rhyme Zi( 赀) should be *- (- 、- ) as argued by Dong Tong-he and Zhu Jia-ning.