Symmetry is a common phenomenon in language, the situation of the form and semantic matching of complement position of"Hao(好)" and "Huai(坏)" is varied. The article investigated the symmetry distribution of "V+Hao(好)", "V+Huai(坏)", pointed out three main kinds of distribution of them: the symmetric. distributions of "V+Hao(好)", "V+Huai(坏)" mainly are symmetries under normal and contrastive conditions; the asymmetry distributions mainly are two cases of "V+Hao(好)" without "V+Huai(坏)" and "V+Huai(坏)" without "V+Hao(好) ".With "Hao(好)" and "Huai(坏)" are mainly active verbs. The asymmetry of meanings of "Hao(好)" and "Huai(坏)", the differences in the frequency of use, the semantic orientation with verbs, people's tendency to profit as well as politeness principle in communication are commonly restricting the symmetry of "V + Hao( 好)", "V + Huai ( 坏 )".