Let L =-△+ V be a Schr?dinger operator,where A is the Laplacian on R^n and the nonnegative potential V belongs to the reverse H?lder class Bq for q ≥n/2.The Riesz transforms associated with the operator L are denoted by T1 = V(-△ + V)^(-1) and T2 =V^(-1/2)(-△ + V)^(-1/2) and the dual Riesz transforms are denoted by T1^* =(-△ + V)^(-1)V and T2^* =(-△ + K)^(-1/2)V^(-1/2).In this paper,we establish the boundedness for the operator T1^* and T2^* and their commutators on weighted Morrey spaces L(α,V,ω)^(p,λ)(R^n) associated with the potential V ∈ Bq for q ≥ n/2.These results generalize substantially some well-known results.As an application,we can apply our results to the case of Hermite operators.