随着Web的发展,可供选择的功能相同或相似的Web服务越来越多,因此有必要为用户提供一种高效的基于服务质量(QoS)的Web服务查询机制.然而现有的Web服务QoS管理模型并不能很好的支持如动态查询等查询需求,其查询性能也有待提高.鉴于此,本文提出一种新的Web服务管理模型——多维QoS模型(MQM:Multi-dimensional QoS Model),并介绍了该模型的创建方法和相关算法.MQM通过多维模型来管理QoS数据,提供查询和OLAP操作.实验证明MQM能够使用户能更准确和快速的按QoS查询现有服务,很好地解决了传统查询方法无法确定查询条件、无法动态改变查询区间、查询性能不高等问题,进而改善了用户体验.
With the rapidly development of Web,there are more and more Web services available for users to choose from.So,it is necessary to provide a query mechanism for users to search by QoS(Quality of service).However,the existing QoS management models couldn′t support query requirements,such as dynamic query,well.What's more,the query performance is also need to be improved.Therefore,we proposed a new Web service management model ——MQM(Multi-dimensional QoS Model),and introduced the approaches and algorithms of modeling it.MQM manages QoS data by multi-dimensional data model,which supports query and OLAP operations.Experiments show that MQM ensures users retrieve the services they need by QoS more accurately and faster,and it is a good solution to the problems of traditional models,such as cannot determine the intuitive query ranges,cannot adjust the query range dynamically,query performance is poor.