Typhoid fever caused by Salmonella Typhi is still a major public health problem in developing coun- tries. In this study, we constrticted a genetically modified Salmonella Typhi strain expressing O-specific polysaccha- rides (OPS) antigen conjugated to a carrier, recombinant Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A(rEPA N29). The conju- gates (OPS-rEPA N29) were further purified and evaluated for their immunogenicity. The results of ELISA showed that the conjugates evoked higher titers of IgG than OPS, suggesting that rEPAN29 increased immunogenicity of OPS significantly as a carrier. Moreover, three injections with three injections with 2-week interval. However, injection 3-week interval evoked slightly higher titers of IgG than of excess conjugates could not evoke higher titers of IgG against lipid polysaccharide (LPS). In summary, our study provides a new strategy for preparing polysaccharides-protein conjugate vaccines as well as similar bio-conjugate vaccines of other Gram-negative pathogens.