China's economy has recently become more integrated into the world economy, accompanied by more outsourcing activities. Outsourcing may affect the labor market by changing the labor demand elasticity rather than labor price. This paper analyzes the impact of outsourcing on the demand elasticity of aggregate labor force the- oretically and empirically, then further studies outsourcing's effect on labor of different skill level ( skilled and un- skilled labor). The empirical analysis based on China's panel data of 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003 and 2006 shows that outsourcing reduces the demand elasticity of aggregate labor and unskilled labor, but increases that of skilled labor. The empirical results support the prediction of theoretical analysis. It could be implied that even if outsourcing does not change the wage and employment in China's labor market obviously, it may still affect the labor through the la- bor demand elasticity effect.