: In order to deeply analyze the dynamic evolution of urban traffic network congestion, an im- proved SIS model of traffic congestion propagation was established. The probabilities of an unimpeded node changing to congested one and then recovering unimpeded one were dynamically calculated accord- ing to the random factors' influence on it, the conditions and influence abilities of its neighbor nodes and the coupling strength of nodes with different conditions. Moreover, the influence of propagation time of different traffic states on the propagation was considered in this model. Simulated based on BA scalefree network, the evolution of congestion over time was concordant with relevant researches, which verified the effectiveness of this model. The simulation results show that the influence of random factors on initial size of congestion, propagation speed and congestion level at steady state is different according to node properties; the interaction between nodes with different states plays an important role in congestion propagation; the influence of ratio between propagation time of unimpeded state and congestion state exists threshold; the volatilities of propagation time under different states have a certain influence on congestion propagation speed and congestion level of equilibrium state.