Vigilance behavior is the response of animals to the stimuli from inside or outside of the population, and mainly expressed as raising head and looking around. Vigilance is aimed at anti-predation and social monitoring which is beneficial for the survival and fitness of individuals. Studies have shown that the intensity and pattern of vigilance can be influenced by various factors, including internal factors such as individual age, sex, spatial position and group size, and external factors such as predation risk and human disturbance. Recently, synchronization of vigilance behavior has been gained great atten- tion. Compared with independent vigilance, synchronized or coordinated vigilance suggests that individuals can be influ- enced by the vigilance status of their neighbors and then behaving similarly or oppositely. And the synchronization of vigi- lance can be affected by group size or other factors. In conclusion, more thorough and comprehensive studies should be ex- plored on the influencing factors and synchronization of vigilance, moreover, the individual and temporal-spatial variations of animal vigilance behavior can shed a new light on further research.