With the development of ambiguity resolution for precise point positioning (PPP)in recent years,it can improve positioning accuracy of PPP with short time observations since ambiguities can be fixed to right integers.However,unacceptable errors would be introduced into coordinate parameters if ambiguities are fixed to wrong integers.It’s necessary to investigate the rel iabi l ity and success rate of ambiguity-fixed PPP.This paper investigates PPP ambiguity fixing method based on zero-differenced fractional-cycle biases (FCBs).A partial ambiguity resolution (PAR)strategy based on cascaded qual ity control is proposed.Data sets from Europe CORS are used to val idate and demonstrate PAR strategy. Results have showed that PPP ambiguity fixing can improve positioning accuracy of hourly PPP solution. When the strategy of PAR is appl ied,the influence of un-convergence ambiguities can be control led efficiently and the success rate of PPP ambiguity fixing is improved.