A RIL population of Simian 3 × CARMEN had been developed to study the genetics and tag the QTLs controlling the ideal plant architecture traits of high yield. Jointly segregating analysis of P1, P2 generations and RIL population was used to analyze the genetics of plant architecture traits in (Simian 3XCARMEN) by using the method of major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance model. The optimum models of all traits are major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance model. This indicated that the inheritance of the traits was controlled by major genes. QTL tagging of plant architecture traits in (Simian 3 X CARMEN ) RIL population was conducted with 65 SSR markers having polymorphism between parents with screened from a total of 2523 SSR primers pairs. The results showed that 5 QTLs controlling traits about plant architecture had been tagged in two environments or by using the mean of lines in two environments based on composite interval mapping and marker multiple regression methods. Simultaneously, 9 QTLs controlling plant architecture traits had been detected u- sing the single-marker analysis in two environments or the mean of lines in two environments and at least in one environment. The molecular markers tightly linked with the QTLs can be used for the MAS of ideal plant architecture in high-yield breeding program.