在现代化城市中, 出租车起止点数据是一类非常有用的交通大数据, 其中蕴含着丰富的时空信息. 为了挖掘潜在的出租车起止点时空模式, 设计了一个出租车起止点数据可视分析系统. 首先利用起止点分布的全局概览图从空间上确定需要进一步挖掘的区域; 然后利用系统提供的套索或者矩形选择工具选择待分析区域, 由所设计的环形像素图对该区域的起止点时空模式进行可视化编码; 最后通过多可视化组件协同交互, 从不同维度分析出租车起止点数据的潜在时空模式. 将该系统用于杭州市出租车GPS 真实数据, 取得了良好的效果, 既有助于交通管理部门按需调配车辆, 也能帮助出租车司机获得更高收益.
In modern cities, taxis origin-destination data is a kind of very useful big traffic data, which contains rich spatio-temporal information. This paper designs a visual analysis system for mining spatio-temporal patterns of big taxis origin-destination data. The system helps users determine the regions of interest for further investiga-tion by the global overview of origin-destination distributions; uses the circular pixel graph to visually encode the spatio-temporal patterns of the origin-destination data of the analyzed regions chosen by lasso or rectangle region selection tools; and provides multi-dimensional analysis of the latent spatio-temporal patterns of taxis ori-gin-destination data through interactions between multiple coordinated views of visualizations. The designed sys-tem obtains some interesting findings and receives good user feedbacks when applied to real taxis GPS data in Hangzhou. The system is not only useful for vehicle administration departments to dispatch taxi cabs according to temporal demands but also helpful for taxi drivers to earn more money.