基于2007-2011年伊犁河谷4个气象站逐时降水资料,分析了伊犁河谷夏季降水日变化特征.结果表明:降水量最大值出现在北京时间22:00,最小值出现在13:00,其中,降水量高值区主要集中在21:00至次日08:00.一天中最易发生降水的时间为23:00至次日10:00,03:00是降水频数最多的时刻,16:00则发生频数最少.降水强度最高值出现在16:00,最低值出现在13:00.降水主要以短持续时间的降水为主,持续1 h的次数最多,持续2 h的降水量最多,对总降水量的贡献也最大,贡献率最小的为持续14 h的降水事件.伊犁河谷夏季的降水主要发生在夜间,且以短时间的降水为主.
Based on the hourly precipitation data from four stations over the Yili River Valley during 2007-2011,the daily variation characteristics of summer precipitation were analyzed. The results show ed that the maximum precipitation appears at 22: 00 Beijing Time( BT),and the minimum precipitation appears at 13: 00( BT),mainly concentrating in betw een 21: 00 and 08: 00( BT). The maximum precipitation frequency occurs in betw een 23: 00 and 10: 00( BT),with the maximum value at 03: 00( BT) and the minimum value at 16: 00( BT). The maximum precipitation intensity generally appears at 16: 00( BT) and the minimum one occurs at13: 00( BT). There is short-term precipitation frequently over the Yili River Valley,mostly with the time less than one hour. The precipitation events of 2-hour have most contribution to the total precipitation,and the precipitation events of 14-hour have least contribution to the total precipitation. The summer precipitation over the Yili River Valley mostly occurs at night,with short-term precipitation events frequently.