To explore influence of soil microbes and their metabolites on crop growth, a platter cultivation experiment was carried out using Rice Spring No.1 to test Streptomyces JD211 for effect of the strain of bacteria on biomass of the seedlings and diversity of soil bacteria. Results show that the effect of the bacterial agent, 10 g kg-1 in inoculation rate was extremely significant on rice seedlings, which were 52.15%, 44.56% and 65.56% higher than the seedlings in total dry weight, shoot dry weight, and root dry weight, respectively, and 90.10% and 58.51% higher in total nitrogen and total phosphorus, respectively. Compared with the soil in CK, the inoculated soil was 37.49% and 40.62% higher in available nitrogen and phosphorus. T-RFLP analysis of bacterial diversity shows that Streptomyces JD211 promoted the growth of some rare species of bacteria or species weak in ecological potential, thus turning some functional bacteria, which were involved in recycling of soil nutrients, ameliorating soil texture and controlling plant disease, into dominant ones. The changes in soil functional microflora accelerated recycling of soil N, P, etc. and enhance rice absorption of N, P and other mineral nutrients, thereby promoting growth of the rice.