针对未来高马赫数导弹的发展趋势及红外窗口材料所面临的技术挑战,对比分析了当前几种常见的红外窗口材料。Mg O–Y2O3纳米复相陶瓷具有出色的中波红外透过性能、极低的高温辐射系数、优良的高温力学性能、适中的热学性能以及仅次于蓝宝石的抗热震性,使其有望成为未来高马赫数导弹红外窗口/整流罩的最佳候选材料。同时着重对Mg O–Y2O3纳米复相陶瓷的研究进展及其设计原理、制备方法和材料性能等做了综述和介绍,最后对其发展前景做了展望与分析。减小Mg O–Y2O3纳米复相陶瓷的晶粒尺寸有望实现该材料在可见光波段的应用,其力学性能也将进一步增强。真空烧结配合热等静压烧结的工艺路线有利于实现大尺寸、近净尺寸成型制备。
Some exsiting middle-wave infrared materials for the development of high-speed missile. MgO-Y2O3 nanocurnposite ceramics are considered as one of the best candidates for infrared window material and radome of future hypersonic missile due to its superior mid-infrared transmission, low heat emissivity, superior high-temperature mechanical properties, moderate thermal properties and high thermal shock resistance comparable to the sapphire. The design principle, the preparation techniques as well as the all-sides properties of MgO-Y2O3 nanocomposite ceramics were also represented. The future work on MgO-Y2O3 nanocomposite ceramics was prospected. Decreasing the grain size of MgO Y2O3 nanocomposite can have its application in the visible region and further enhance the mechanical properties. Large-size MgO-Y2O3 nanocomposite ceramics with near net-shape could be fabricated by vacuum sintering and subsequent hot isostatic pressing treatment.