多样化的受管资源和不断变化的管理需求,使得云管理面临很大的难度和复杂度。面对一个新的特定的管理需求,管理员往往是在已有管理软件的基础上进行二次开发,通过管理功能的获取和组织来构造新的管理系统。然而,由于缺乏通用的方法,二次开发的难度和复杂度依然很大。为了能够根据管理需求快速定制、集成、扩展已有的管理软件,提出一种基于运行时模型的多样化云资源管理方法。首先,在系统管理接口的基础上构造不同受管资源的运行时模型;其次,通过对不同的运行时模型进行合并,来构造包含所有目标受管资源的组合模型;最后,通过组合模型到用户特定模型的转换,来满足特定的管理需求。在 OpenStack 与 Hyperic 两款独立管理软件的基础上,实现了基于运行时模型的虚拟机软、硬件资源统一管理系统,验证了方法的可行性和有效性。
Due to the diversity of resources and different management requirements, cloud management is faced with great challenges in complexity and difficulty. For constructing a management system to satisfy a specific management requirement, redeveloping a solution based on existing management system is usually more practicable than developing the system from scratch. However, the difficulty and workload of redevelopment are also very high. In this paper, a runtime model based approach is presented to managing diverse cloud resources. First, the runtime model is constructed for each type of cloud resources based on their management interfaces. Second, the composite runtime model is build for all managed resources through merging their runtime models. Third, cloud management is setup to meet specific requirements through model transformation from the composite model to the customized models. Additionally, based on OpenStack and Hyperic, a runtime model based management system is implemented to manage the hardware and software resources of virtual machines with the proposed approach. The results prove that new approach is feasible and effective.