JIAO Li-hus (焦丽华) was born in Jiangxi Province, China, in 1982. He received bachelor' degree at the Nanchang University in 2004 and studied at UESTC form that time on. Since 2004, his research activities have been concerned with ultrasonic, finite element method, structural design and theoretical analysis. XU Li-mei (徐利梅) was born in Sichuan Provice, China, in 1969 She received Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University. She is now an associate professor and doctoral advisor with UESTC. Her research interests include the mechatronics modeling and test. HU Hong (胡泓) was born in Chongqing Province, China, in 1965. Hereceived Ph.D degree from the Uiversity of Toronto, Lmada in 2003. His reseatch interests are in the area of mechatronics and intelligent systems and dynamic systems and nonlinear control theory.