为探究重金属和农药对斑马鱼的毒性与安全评价,选用硫酸铜、氰戊菊酯对斑马鱼进行急性毒性试验,以24~96 h半致死浓度(LC50)判定斑马鱼对这两种药物的敏感性。结果表明,硫酸铜24 h LC50、48h LC50、72 h LC50、96 h LC50分别为12 mg/L、7.9 mg/L、6.8 mg/L、5.4 mg/L;氰戊菊酯24 h LC50、48 h LC50、72 h LC50、96h LC50分别为1.2×10^-4 mg/L、0.9×10^-4 mg/L、0.9×10^-4 mg/L、0.9×10^-4 mg/L;硫酸铜安全质量浓度为1.03 mg/L,氰戊菊酯为1.52×10-5 mg/L。参照我国化学物质对鱼类毒性分级标准,判定硫酸铜对斑马鱼急性毒性为Ⅱ级,氰戊菊酯对斑马鱼急性毒性为Ⅰ级。
The present paper is aimed to report our experiments and investigations on the toxicity of the heavy metals and pesticides to zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) by using standardized laboratory procedures, along with our measurements on the acute toxicity of copper sulfate and fenvalerate. In proceeding with our experiments, we have tested and measure the sensitivities of zebarfish to these pesticides respectively by using medium lethal concentrations (LC50) every 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 96 h. The results showed that the values of 24 h LC50, 48 h LC50,72 h LC50 and 96 h LC50 of CuSO4 were 12 mg/L, 7.9 mg/L, 6.8 mg/L and 5.4 mg/L, respectively. The values of LC50 for fenvalerate were 1.2×10^-4 mg/L, 0.9×10^-4 mg/L, 0.9×10^-4 mg/L and 0.9×10^-4 mg/L, respectively. The safe concentrations of the two pesticides were 1.03 mg/L and 1.52×10-5 mg/L, respectively. Though we have found that the copper sulfate is likely to lead to shape distortion of zebrafish, causing the phenomena of upside-down and the head-up, the scoliosis was not obvious. However, the fenvalerate can cause the bending of back and side in fish, which is of different characteristics. However, the pesticide fenvalerate proves more sensitive to zebarfish than the copper sulfate. There was no change in the death rate of zebarfish after 48 hours. According to the state requirements for toxicity-evaluating and grading of chemicals toxics to fish in China (GB/T 21281—2007), the toxicity of the two chemicals to zebarfish should be put at grade Ⅱ and Ⅰ, respectively. The results show that the toxicity of the copper sulfate to the fish should belong to the moderate level with the 1.0〈96 h LC50≤10.0 mg/L, whereas the toxic level of fenvalerate with the 96 h LC50≤0.1 mg/L belongs to high-toxic material to zebrafish. Hence, this study can be said to have provided the theoretical basis for the rational application of copper sulfate or fenvalerate, when they are used in aquaculture in prevention and control of fish diseases.