本文分析研究了MGS编解码技术及其码流结构,利用FMO(Flexible Macroblock Order灵活宏块顺序)编码技术实现MGS质量可伸缩的视觉敏感区域编码,提出改进的码流提取规则来达到保护视觉敏感区域。并对视频敏感区域码流提出新的容错方法,避免MGS首片层系数丢失导致的敏感区域保护失效。
This paper focuses on the research of MGS encoding and decoding method and MGS stream structure.We take advantage of FMO technique to implement MGS coding with visual sensitivity region embedded into bitstream,giving some improvement on bitstream extractor to protect the visual sensitivity region.Also an effective improvement on error residence in the bitstream of sensitivity region was presented to avoid the invalidation of sensitivity region when the first MGS layer happens to get error or lost.