By using transfer matrix method, the temperature dependence of the photonic band structure in a one-dimensional superconducting photonic crystal is studied by simultaneously considering thermal expansion effect and thermal - optical effect. It is shown that the band gap width of the low-frequency band gap, the first and sec- ond band gaps narrows with the increases of temperature. The starting wavelength and the cut-off wavelength of the band gaps all shift to lower frequency with the increase of the temperature, but the influence of temperature on the bandage is different for the three band gaps. The photonic band structure of photonic crystals with thermal effects and without thermal effects is also calculated and compared. All the bandage of the band gaps all shift to lower frequency when the thermal effects are considered. It is also found that the thermal - optical effect have a visible influence on the photonic band gap structure in our calculated temperature range and the influence of the thermal expansion effect on the photonic band structure is not significant.