Based on the data of 711 questionnaires from Guangdong Province ,an empirical analysis was con-ducted through reliability analysis,factor analysis and structure validity analysis.The study proves that the em-ployment transfer ability of the rural laborers' scale has a good reliability and validity.And its internal consisten-cy,variance rate and model fitting index have reached the desired level.Rural laborers' ability to transfer theiremployment is composed of three dimensions including professional identity,employability skills and social cap-ital.Their self-perceived measurement results demonstrate that the overall level is not low.Moreover, social capitalis playing a better role in scale.Besides, Employability skill is still the key factor which blocks rural laborers fromtransferring their employment. Finally, different personality traits lead to different perception about employmenttransfer ability.Therefore, some measures are advised:Firstly ,vocational education and training should be promo-ted of rural labor force. Secondly, construction of social network and information exchange platform should bestrengthened.Thirdly ,the professional identity of rural labor force is to be enhanced.Finally, differentiated supportshould be provided for the transfer of rural labor force in accordance with different personality traits.