To solve the problem of time-frequency interference existing in the multicomponent Polynomial Phase Signal (mc-PPS) Wigner-Ville distribution, a new time-frequency analysis method based on the multi-scaie Chirplet sparse decomposition and Wigner-Ville transform is proposed. This method projects mc-PPS onto the multi-scale Chirplet base functions, searching best base functions by the improved FRactional Fourier Transform (FRFT). Through the Wigner-Ville transform and best path pursuit algorithm, the base functions constitute largest energy signals component and power distribution in turns. Simulation results verify that the proposed method can restrain effectively the cross-interference of constant mc-PPS in low Signal-to-Noise Ratio condition, maintain a high time-frequency aggregation, and overcome the large computation of global searching algorithm. Furthermore, this method is suitable for non-stationary signals analysis and processing.