Geldart A类颗粒气-固环流技术是一种利用气-液环流原理,并结合气-固聚式流化体系特点而开发的一种新型流态化技术,具有气固接触效率高、传质传热性能好等优点,被广泛用于石油炼制领域中的催化裂化汽提器、
A mathematical model predicting particles flux ratio between internal circulation and external circulation processed in a coupled reactor with gas-solids loop fluidized bed was established. In a wide range of operating conditions, particles circulation flux ratio was predicted, and the particles circulation ratio np = 20 was determined as a criterion to analyze the particles mixing behavior in internal and external loops. The results showed that the calculated values basically agreed with experimental data, and the average relative error approached 15.35%. Particles circulation ratio increased with increasing superficial gas velocity in the draft tube, however decreased with increasing particles external circulation flux and opening rate of a lotus-shaped distributor, with the change in two stages, first fast and then slow. The transition points were Ug,d=0. 50 m . s-1 , Gs,r=110 kg . m-2 . s-1 , and a=10% respectively. Under the operating conditions of riser superficial gas velocity Ug,r = 10-21.17 m . s- 1, draft tube superficial gas velocity Ug.d = 0. 57-1. 50 m . s- 1 , particles external circulation flux Gs,r ≥ 110 kg . m-2. s-1 , and distributor open rate a≥10%, the particles complete mixing status in the riser and the gas-solids loop bed reactor could be avoided.