To further clarify the effects of Cerium ( Ce^3+ ) on plants caused by acid rain, the present work studied the effects of Ce^3+ on the antioxidant enzyme system (peroxidase POD, superoxide dismutase SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), oxygen free radical generation rate, nitrate reductase (NR), membrane permeability and chlorophyll content in rice seedlings ( 30 days ) using hydroponic culture. The results showed that NR activity and chlorophyll content in rice seedlings under simulated acid rain (pH 3.0) decreased, whereas POD, SOD, MDA and oxygen free radicals generation rate increased by comarison with the control. After the rice seedlings foliar application of 30 mg.L-1 Ce^3+, NR activity, chlorophyll content increased, POD, SOD, MDA, membrane penetration and oxygen free radical production rate decreased as compared with the simulated acid rain treatment group. Results indicate that acid rain could affect plant growth and metabolism, and then damage the healthy growth of plants. 30 mg. L^-1 Ce^3+ improved the various physiological indicators in rice seedlings under acid rain stress, and the damage caused by acid rain was relieved. The effects on different indicators were different from protection and repair.