Using titanium sulfate containing wastewater as the raw material, and by homogeneous precipitation method, nanosized TiO2 was prepared in this paper. The involved reaction processes are as follows. The titanium sulfate reacts with water to produce titanium oxysulfate. The later changes to metatitanic acid by thermal hydrolysis. Heat treat treating and dehydrolyzing make metatitanic acid to transform titanium dioxide. There are still some transformations after further heat treatments. The amorphous titanium dioxide transforms to crystalline anatase. The phase transformation from anatase to futile takes place at higher temperature. Mono-phase anatase could be obtained after heat treating between 350℃ and 700℃. The grain size of anatase increases from 9 nm to 68 nm. Dual-phase structure ofanatase and futile are exists between 700℃ and 800℃. The grain size of futile increases from 83 nm to 109 nm from 800℃ to 900℃. Mono-phase futile could be obtained after heat treating higher than 900℃.