Cancers have been becoming a major disease threatening human health and social development in China, along with its rapid economic development and an increasing older population. Since 1970s, cancer incidence and mortality in China have risen steadily. It is helpful to understand cancer status and trends through the analysis of cancer registry data so as to provide reliable evidences for making effective cancer control strategy and policy. In this paper, the cancer incidence, mortality and time trend of cancer in China are summarized and analyzed based on the dataset from National Central Cancer Registry and three national death surveys. There are about 3.09 millions cancer new cases diagnosed and 1.96 millions cancer deaths annually. Lung cancer, female breat cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer and esophageal cancer have been the most common cancers. Cancer incidences of most cancers have been increasing over the past 20 years, especially in latest 10 years, mainly due to the aged population. Effective control act should be taken to face the increase of disease burden from cancers in China.