The high-temperature lattice constants and elastic moduli of the silicon nitrides are calculated using the plane-wave pseudo- potential method combined with the vibrational Debye-like model. β-Si3N4 is ductile at low temperature and brittle at high temperature. γ-Si3N4 is found to be brittle and covalent in nature. We find a positive slope of the β→γ phase boundary, hence, at higher temperatures it requires higher pressures to synthesize γ-Si3N4. The α→γ phase boundary may be expressed as P = 16.29 - 1.835 × 10-2T + 9.33945×10-5T2 - 2.16759×10-7T3 + 2.91795×10-10T4. We also obtain the electronic structures and energy bands of Si3N4 with and without pressure. The interaction between Si-s, p and N-s, p plays a dominant role in the stability of α-SiaN4. The α- and β-Si3N4 have the ГV-ГC indirect band gaps (4.9 eV and 4.4 eV) while γ-Si3N4 has a direct band gap(3.9 eV). The tops of the valence bands for α- and β-Si3N4 are along the Г-M and Г-A direction, respectively, Our results are consistent with the experimental data and the theoretical results.