本文对南海北部珠江口盆地深水区LW5井3070—3480m井段81个孢粉样品进行了分析,共鉴定86个孢粉属种类型;另有沟鞭藻和有孔虫内膜。根据孢粉和藻类化石组合面貌、丰度变化和特征分子的分布规律,将研究井段地层划分为2个孢粉组合:3070—3325m井段为Polypodiaceaes porites-Dinocysts组合,层位相当于珠江组,时代为早中新世。本组合含丰富的沟鞭藻和微有孔虫,孢粉以Graminidites,Zonocostatites和Chenopodipollis等为主,沉积环境为滨浅海,气温较高,指示了湿润的热带、亚热带古气候;3330—3470m井段为Alnipollenites-Pinuspollenites组合,与珠海组层位相当,地层时代为晚渐新世。本组合沟鞭藻和微有孔虫少量出现,孢粉含丰富的Pinuspollenites和Abietineaepollenites,出现较多的Cedripites等,反映海陆交互的古环境,显示了气温低的亚热带古气候。
81 samples have been analyzed for spores and pollens from the interval 3 070 3 470 m of Well LW5 in the deep water area, Pearl River Mouth basin, northern South China Sea. Based on sporo/pollen , algae association and distribution, two palynomorph assemblages can be recognized. They are Polypodiaceaesporites-Dinocysts Assem- blage and Alnipollenites-Pinuspollenites Assemblage. The former is characterized hy abundant Polypodiaceaes- porites and dinoflagellates, corresponding to the Zhujiang Formation of the Early Miocene. Alnipollenites-Pinuspolle nites Assemblage is characterized by abundant Pinuspollenites and Alnipollenites, corresponding to the Zhuhai For mation of the Late Oligocene. According to the characteristics of the palynomorph, dinoflagellates assemblage and the abundance of microforaminifer linings, the interval of 3 070 3 325 m deposited in a shelf to littoral environment with a humid and warm subtropical climate.