As a novel desulfurizer,the decomposition mechanism and desulfurization characteristics of Calcium-Enriched Bio-oil(CEB) are still in the research stage.In this paper,thermal decomposition of CEB was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis.The results showed that there were three reaction stages: CO2 and H2O precipitation from part component of bio-oil,decomposition of organic carboxylic acid calcium salt,decomposition of calcium carbonate.The main reason that solid products CaO obtained from CEB is better than those from limestone was the cavitation effect of large amounts release during the second stage.Desulfurization experimental results showed that the desulfurization performance of CEB was far superior to limestone.Under the same conditions the desulfurization reaction time of CEB was 2 times that of the limestone and ultimate calcium conversion rate was much higher than the limestone.The optimum desulfurization reaction temperature for limestone was 850 ℃ while CEB was 900 ℃.