西昆仑地区处于中亚腹地的高寒缺氧地带,区域地质研究程度较低。下志留统温泉沟群中一下部轻变质的碎屑岩中一直未发现可靠的化石证据。最近,在温泉沟地区志留纪地层中发现较丰富的Leios phaerid谊,Florisphaeridium,Conochitina,Ancyrocitina,Desmochitina,Eisenackitina,Rhabdochitina,Cyathochitina,Lagenochitina和?Eremochitina属等疑源类和几丁虫化石分子,为温泉沟群中-下部轻变质碎屑岩的时代确定提供了重要的微体化石方面依据。
The West Kunlun Mountains is in the region of cold climate and thin free oxygen, where natural and traffic condition are poor, geological survey and field work are difficult, therefore, the research level on regional geology is preliminary, reliable microfossil evidence has not been obtained from the Wenquangou Group. After the geological survey and research, quite abundant acritarchs and chitinozoans, such as.. Leiosphaeridia, Florisphaeridium, Conochitina , Anc yrochitina , Desmochitina , Eisenackitina , Rhabdochitina , C yathochitina, Lagenochitina and ? Eremochitina were found in the Wenquangou Group. It provides important micropaleontological evidence for ascertaining the age of epimetamorphism clastic rocks of the lower-middle parts of the Wenquangou Group, in the West Kunlun region.