Let f be a C^1 map between two Banach spaces E and F. It has been proved that the concept of generalized regular points of f, which is a generalization of the notion of regular points of f, has some crucial applications in nonlinearity and global analysis. We characterize the generalized regular points of f using the three integer-valued (or infinite) indices M(x0), Mc(x0) and Mr(x0) at x0 ∈ E generated by f and by analyzing generalized inverses of bounded linear operators on Banach spaces, that is, iff '(x0) has a generalized inverse in the Banach space B(E, F) of all bounded linear operators on E into F and at least one of the indices M(x0), Mc(x0) and Mr(x0) is finite, then xo is a generalized regular point off if and only if the multi-index (M(x), Me(x), Mr(x)) is continuous at X0.