The Lushan earthquake caused numerous avalanches and landslides. Field investigations and data analyses revealed that the gravity erosion triggered by Lushan earthquake was mainly avalanches with small vol- ume. Very few landslides occurred but they had large volumes. These avalanches and landslides occured in the upper mountains and V-shaped valleys. The gravity erosion was so closely related to the river bank slope and the higher was the slope the larger was the volume of avalanches. The characteristics of distribution and size of the mass movements were closely related to topography and geomorphology. The distance from the epicenter was not so important for occurrence of avalanches and landslides like that in Wenehuan earthquake. Riverbed incision increased the potential energy for landslides and avalanches and reduced the stability of slope. Com- pared with Wenchuan earthquake,the released energy in Lushan earthquake was smaller, and the depth of in- cised valley in Lushan earthquake area was much less, so the total volume of avalanches and landslides trig- gered by Lushan earthquake was 1 000 times smaller.