在我国内蒙古大兴安岭北麓草场流行有与在前苏联广泛分布的泡状棘球蚴其成虫具球形子宫相似的病原,过去称之为苏俄的多房棘球绦虫。我们在比较研究了它与欧洲的多房棘球绦虫的全程生活史的发育规律,及成虫和幼虫期的结构之后,发现两者之间有极大差异,认为不能再用多房棘球绦虫称呼之。最近,我们用内蒙古的苏俄型泡状棘球蚴人工感染4只羊羔,全部阴性不能发育,说明内蒙古的本虫种不同于所谓幼虫期可以在牛羊发育的“哈萨克亚种”。为了纪念前苏联学者最早发现和叙述本种成虫,兹暂定名为苏俄棘球绦虫新种(Echinococcus russicensis sp.nov.)。
Adults of three alveolar Echinococcus species with different uterine structures were collected from Vulpes corsac, and different larval stages from Microtus brandti in northward pasture of Daxingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia. One of them is Echinococcus russicensis sp. nov. which has been called as Russia Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus sp. in our published papers (Tang et al. , 2001a,b,c,d, ; 2004; 2006a,b; 2007). E. russicensis has a spherical uterus located at the top of gravid and early-gravid segments. The development of its metacestodes have been observed in naturally infected Microtus brandti and experimentally infected rodents. Its larger alveolar vesicles and brood capsules were formed by proliferation of the germinal cell layer attacheding on the inner surface of alveolar cysts, which were surrounded by host connective tissue, protoscoleces grew from the germinal cell layer and from the walls of reticular meshes in alveolar cysts. 15 parts of 4 experimental lambs were intraperitoneally inoculated with finely minced infective vesicles of E. russicensis collected from experimentally infected mice, all results were negative. The metacestodes of E. russicensis with spherical uterus could not develop in herbivorous animals.