针对卫星编队飞行视景仿真的需求,基于SiPESC平台设计并实现视景仿真系统SiPESC.SatFly.在架构设计层,基于SiPESC平台,采用插件式体系结构,将功能需求易于变化的部分设计为独立插件;在系统实现层,结合OGRE(Object—Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)渲染引擎和XML,实现预设方案的灵活配置;在仿真应用层,实现近地轨道卫星编队飞行和卫星轨道转移过程仿真.该系统通用性强,配置灵活,场景渲染逼真,并且提供多窗口、多视角的观察模式,方便数据分析和概念理解.
As to the requirement of visual simulation for satellite formation flying, a visual simulation system named SiPESC. SatFly is designed based on SiPESC platform. In the architecture design level of the system, the plug-in architecture is used on SiPESC platform, and so the easy-to-change modules are designed as independent plug-ins; in system implementation level, the flexible configuration is realized for the scheme preinstalled by combining rendering engine OGRE ( Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) and XML; in simulation application level, the process simulation on near-earth orbit satellite formation flying and satellite orbit transfer is implemented. The system has good universality, flexible configurability and strong rendering sense and provides multi-window and multi-angle observation modes, which makes the data analysis and conception comprehensions convenient.