Using the game theory and on the basis of constructing one payoff' s table of enterprise-university-institute cooperation, this paper chooses a different means of communication as a strategy and revenue function for the utility function, and analyzes coordination equilibrium of the cooperative organization for the different networks and different people interaction u- sing different ways to communicate. The conclusions are as follows: for any cooperative interaction' s network, under the conditions of adopting the same communication strategy combination as Nash equilibrium, if the network is complete, the Nash equilibrium is probably the only Nash equilibrium ; if the network is not complete, then there may be a variety of equilibrium of applying means of communication. But if each participants in the internal network to take a combination of different communication strategies are Nash equilibrium conditions, regardless of the network is complete or incomplete, there may be equilibrium of a variety of communication. Then it finds the prisoner's dilemma of communications in the early stages of research cooperation has historical path dependence and is difficult to be solved by internal communication, but through communicating coordination it can achieve Pareto equilibrium.