栎黄枯叶蛾Trabala vishnou gigantina Yang是近年在沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)林中大面积暴发的一种食叶害虫。通过野外调查和室内饲养观察相结合对该虫的羽化、交配和产卵等行为等进行了研究。结果表明,栎黄枯叶蛾羽化期40 d左右,羽化高峰期为9月上旬,日羽化高峰出现在傍晚17:00—23:00,占全天羽化量的8246%;雌雄性比为1∶1.41;交配高峰期发生在凌晨3: 00—4:00,成虫羽化翌日开始进行交尾,2日龄雌蛾交配率最高,达到45.6%,随后交配率逐步降低。雌蛾一生只交尾1次,雄蛾可进行多次交尾。成虫交配持续时间多为14~16 h。成虫交配后即可产卵,产卵主要在夜间进行,产卵高峰期在2:00—6:00,占全天产卵量的82.40%。未交配雌蛾和雄蛾的平均寿命为11.05 d和9.85 d;显著高于已交配雌蛾和雄蛾的8.05 d和7.35 d,说明交配可明显缩短雌雄成虫寿命。
Trabala vishnou gigantina Yang has become a serious leafeating pest of Hippophae rhamnoides in recent years. The eclosion, mating and oviposition of this species were studied through field surveys and laboratory observations. The emergence period was found to last for 40 days,with the peak of eclosion observed in early September. The daily emergence peak was from 17:00 to 23:00,with 82.46 percent of daily emergences occurring during this period. The ratio of females to males was 1∶1.41, and the mating peak took place from 3:00-4:00. The mating rate was highest on the second night (45.6%) and then decreased gradually. Females normally copulated only once in their life, whereas males copulated several times. For most adults, the duration of mating was 14-16 hours. Approximately 82.40%of eggs were laid at night. The lifespan of virgin females and unmated males were 11.05 days and 9.85 days on average,respectively, whereas that of nonvirgin females and males was 8.05 days and 7.35 days on average, respectively. This indicates that mating shortens the lifespan of both sexes.