In order to solve the problems that the active contours cannot converge into deep indentation and poor segmentation results of images with weak edge structures, we propose an adaptive diffusion gradient vector flow algorithm. First, in the external force field, we adopt the normalization method based on component instead of the normalization method based on vector. It can improve the ability of curve to converge into deep depression. Second, we decompose the Laplace operator into tangential and normal components, and add two cross-correlation adaptive weighting functions. These two functions can make the curve adjust the diffusion process adaptively on the basis of local image features. Finally, we compare and analyze the segmentation results of several active contour models using quantization errors. Experimental results show that the convergence problem of deep indentation has been solved effectively. Aiming at two different images which own different image structures and weak boundaries, quantitative errors of the segmentation results reduce to 0.08 and 0. 09 ,respectively. Active contours can converge to the bot- tom of different deep depressions. The curves can also converge to the edges and corners according to the local structure features of images. The results of segmentation on real images are much more accurate.