为了研究微电网并网、离网两种运行模式之间的快速切换,提出一种风/光/储/微型燃气轮机热电联供(combined heat and power,CHP)混合微电网运行模式控制技术,采用基于IEC 61850的标准化信息网络构建微电网运行模式控制的整体框架,包含故障检测模块、检同期模块、储能单元状态分析模块以及离/并网控制模块,并提出各模块具体的实现方法,在此基础上利用微电网运行测试平台进行实验测试。测试结果表明:提出的运行模式控制技术能够实现微电网并网运行向离网运行、以及离网运行向并网运行的快速切换。微电网运行模式控制技术切实可行,能够为微电网快速、可靠的运行控制提供有效技术手段。
In order to study fast transition between autonomous mode and grid-connected mode for micro-grid, we present an operation modes control technology for wind power/ PV/ energy storage/micro-turbine combined heat and power (CHP) hybrid micro-grid. The whole framework for micro-grid operation modes control based on IEC 61850 standardized information network is proposed, including the fault detection module, synchronization check module, energy storage unit state analysis module, and autonomous/grid-connected mode control module. Then, the specific implementation method for each module is presented. Thereby, the experiments are carried out based on the micro-grid operation test platform. The test results show that the proposed micro-grid operation modes control is feasible to fast transfer the grid-connected mode to the autonomous mode and vice versa, and can provide effective techniques for fast and reliable operation control of micro-grid.