新疆是我国土地面积最大的省区,位于我国西北部,地处亚欧大陆中心,历来是我国的西北屏障,举世闻名的"丝绸之路"横贯新疆,地理位置得天独厚。新疆的开发对于我国经济的可持续发展有着非常重要的战略意义。研究新疆的生态经济系统,对于新疆的社会经济发展,生态环境保护具有重要意义。以能值分析理论为基础,通过选取新疆社会、经济、生态等原始指标,运用能值分析的方法,对新疆1996-2005年的能值投入率(EIR)、净能值产出率(NEYR)、环境负载率(ELR)、能值-货币比率(EDR)、能值使用强度(ED)和基于能值分析的可持续发展指数(ESI)等9项指标的系统研究,以及与其他国家和部分地区的有关指标进行比较研究得出:要实现新疆的可持续发展,需重视经济发展的作用,通过进口低能值、高能量的产品而输出高能值的产品和服务,达到能源利用高效率和系统的强势竞争力 新疆可持续发展指数(ESI)的波动下降与新疆经济的快速增长有关。因此,要实现新疆的可持续发展,重视经济增长和控制其对环境系统的压力,保持可持续发展指数的平缓降低尤为重要,建立以循环经济为主导的发展战略。
Based on the emergy analysis theory, we choose some emergy indices such as net emergy yield ratio ( NEYR), emergy investment ratio ( EIR), environmental loading ratio ( ELR), emergy dollar ratio ( EDR), emergy density(ED), fraction of emergy used from electricity(FEE) and emergy- based sustainability index (ESI) to assess the eco -economics system sustainable development situation of Xinjiang by the change tendency of Xinjiang NEYR, ELR, EIR and ESI indices from 1996 to 2005 and the comparisons between other countries and regions. It could be concluded that to realize the objectives of the sustainable development, that is to maximize the whole system power yield as well as the minimize the environment negative effects; the system should adjust its economic structure to optimize the self - organized siiuation. The change tendency of ESI has a close relation with the economic growth of Xinjiang. To keep the government of Xinjiang should takes a peer efforts to focus on sustainable development index steady decrease, the economic growth and control eco - system's press on environment, and the best way is to develop circular economics.