基于非成像光学的原理,设计并研制了一种新的复合抛物面聚光镜(Compound parabolic concentrator,CPC)。提出基于遗传算法的聚光镜优化设计方法,将透过率作为遗传进化的目标函数,通过控制遗传算法的遗传进化方向,对CPC的结构进行优化调整。仿真实验结果表明,优化后的聚光镜入射孔径100mm,聚光比2.5:1,轴向长度84mm。当入射角为30°时,透过率达到75%以上。将此聚光镜应用于弱光探测器中,可以较好地满足器件的需要。
A novel compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) is designed and developed based on the principle of the non- imaging optics. The optimization design method is proposed based on the genetic algorithm (GA), the fitness function is the transmission rate, and the optimization on the CPC structure is achieved by controlling the GA inheritance evolution direction. Simulation experiment results show that the transmission rate of the optimized concentrator is above 75 % for incident angle of 30°. In this case, the incident diameter, concentrating rate and axial length of concentrator are 100mm, 6.25, 84mm respectively. The concentrator is used in weak light detector and satisfied result is obtained.