The interconnection networks-on-chip becomes an performance of chip-multiprocessor. Almost all interconnection networks. After analyzing the static networks characteristics of important factor structures evolve some popular 2-D affecting the from the 2-D interconnection networ networ port ra the net ks-on-chip whose inner-nodes degree is 4, the authors propose a kind of interconneetion ks-on-chip router and the communication protocol. The router uses buffers just on the outside ther than on both the inside and the outside port to reduce the power and increase the speed in works transmission. Based on the analysis of the dynamic networks characteristics of those different structures by changing the scales and the loads, load per cost-delay product, a new evaluation to the all-sided performance of interconnection networks-on-chip, is proposed using the link to indicate the cost. Finally, the all-sided performance of those different 2-D intereonnection nelworks on-chip structures iS analyzed and the suitable cases for e~tch structure is indicated. The cxperinlentM resuhs show th~tt in the case of small-scale under low load the multi-ring networks do well and in the case of larger-scale under larger load mesh grids work better. The wrap around structures is the first choice as long as it could be. However, in the case of large-scale, it is difficult to get good performance by just adopting any one of those structures directly.