报道了基于半导体纳秒调制技术的百瓦级、线性偏振掺铥光纤激光器。该激光器采用调制半导体激光器作为种子源,脉冲宽度为20 ns,重复频率在200 k Hz~1 MHz范围内连续可调。当重复频率为200 k Hz时,经主功率振荡放大器(MOPA)得到100 W平均功率输出。最高输出功率时,由于存在增益整形机制,脉冲宽度由20 ns降低为6 ns。相应的峰值功率达到83 k W,单脉冲能量为0.5 m J,最高输出功率下系统输出偏振消光比达到17 d B。据本文所知,这是首次报道基于半导体调制技术的百瓦级、纳秒脉宽、线偏振的掺铥光纤激光器。
High average power linearly- polarized nanosecond- pulsed, modulated diode seeded thuliumdoped fiber laser based on master oscillator power amplifier(MOPA) system is reported. The modulated seed laser delivers 20 ns pulses with tunable repetition rate from 200 k Hz to 1 MHz. The MOPA yields 100 W average output power at 200 k Hz repetition rate. The pulse duration reduces to 6 ns during amplification due to gain reshaping effect, which lead to a higher peak power of 83 k W with pulse energy of 0.5 m J. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of average output power exceeding 100 W from a linear polarization,thulium doped fiber laser using modulated diode as a seed.