为了解决D-InSAR技术不能全面监测煤矿开采引起的地表移动与变形问题,综合运用理论推导和模拟实验方法,开展基于单视线向D-InSAR技术提取开采沉陷移动与变形的方法研究,主要取得如下成果:(1)融合近水平、缓倾斜煤层开采沉陷规律和D-InSAR技术,建立任意像元任意方向下沉、倾斜、水平移动、水平变形和曲率变形的计算模型及其推广模型。模拟实验结果表明,在模拟地质采矿条件和影像分辨率10 m条件下,任意像元移动变形模型提取精度为:(1)SN,EW向倾斜计算误差分别为±0.03和±0.02 mm/m;(2)SN,EW向水平移动计算误差分别为±1.6和±1.3 mm;(3)SN,EW向水平变形计算误差分别为±0.04和±0.03 mm/m;(4)SN,EW向曲率计算误差分别为±0.001和±0.001 mm/m2。模型精度满足矿山开采沉陷监测要求。(2)利用构建的基于单视线向D-InSAR技术提取开采沉陷移动与变形方法,提取了20120105~20120116期间,南屯煤矿9310工作面开采引起的SN,EW向采动地表移动与变形。研究成果对矿山开采沉陷D-InSAR监测具有重要参考价值。
Current D-InSAR technology cannot fully survey the surface movement and deformation caused by the coal mining. To overcome the weakness, a method of extracting the movement and deformation from a single D-InSAR pair based on the integrated means of theoretical derivation and simulation experiments was proposed. A calculation model of the flit, horizontal movement, curvature and horizontal deformation in any direction for all pixels by combining the subsidence of the horizontal and gently inclined coal seams and D-InSAR technology was established. The errors of tilt calculation in North-south and east-west directions are ±0.03 mm/m and±0.02 mm/m respectively. The errors of horizontal movement calculation in north-south and east-west directions are ±1.6 mm and ±1.3 mm respectively. The errors of horizontal deformation calculation in north-south and east-west direction are ±0.04 mrn/m and ±0.03 mm/m respectively. The errors of curvature deformation calculation in north-south and east-west directions are ±0.001 mrn/m2 and ±0.001 mm/m2 respectively. During the period of 05-01-2012 to 16-01-2012, the surface movement and deformation in north-south and east-west directions caused by the mining at workface 9310 in Nantun coal mine were calculated by using the retrieving model of movement and deformation.