静电纺丝(electros pinning)是一种制备纳米尺度连续长丝的便捷高效的纺丝技术,其应用前景相当广阔。聚酰亚胺(polyimide,PI)是一类具有广泛应用的耐高温、高强度、综合性能优异的高分子材料。近10年来,利用电纺制备PI新型材料的报道层出不穷,包括利用PI电纺纤维为前躯体制备碳纤维材料,电纺制备PI纳米复合材料,电纺制备轻质高强度PI材料等。本文对国内外关于此方面的研究进行了分类和详尽的综述,同时对电纺PI的发展方向作了展望。
Eleetrospinning provides a simple and versatile method for generating continuous ultra-thin fibers. The teehnique is not only a focus of intense aeademie investigation, but is also inereasingly being applied in industry. Polyimide is a widely used polymer with high thermal stability, high toughness and eomprehensive performances. In the last 10 years, reports on preparation of novel PI materials through eleetrospinning sprung out, including fabrieation of earbon fibers by earbonizing the eleetrospun PI nano-fiber preeursor, fabrication of eleetrospun PI fibrous nanocomposites, fabrieation of light and tough electrospun PI fibrous materials, ere. This review summarizes the reeent work in polyimide eleetrospinning. The researeh prospeets and direetions of this rapidly developing field are also briefly addressed.