This paper investigates provably secure position-based key exchange protocols between two provers. To begin with,this paper presents the notions of the prover-to-verifier mode and the prover-to-prover mode,which is the first to distinguish between the two modes for position-based key exchange. At the same time,this paper formalizes the definition of secure prover-to-prover position-based key exchange. Then,a provably secure prover-to-prover position-based key exchange protocol P2PKE1 in 1-dimension is proposed in this paper. Based on the above protocol,a generic prover-to-prover positionbased key exchange protocol P2 PKEdin d-dimensions is constructed( 1≤d≤3). In addition,this paper extends the proposed protocol and proposes protocol P2PKEd-c with key confirmation and protocol P2PKEd-e without key escrowin d-dimensions. Finally,we discuss the proposed protocols in 3-dimensions from both security and performance perspectives.