Pingzhi Fan received his Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the Hull University, U.K., in 1994. He is IEE Fellow and Senior Member oflEEE. He is currently a professor and the director of the Institute of Mobile Communications, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, a guest professor of Leeds University, UK (1997-), chairman of the IEEE China VT Chapter and Chair-elect of IEEE Chengdu Section. He was a recipient of the UK ORS Award (1992) and the National Science Foundation of China for Outstanding Young Scientist (1998). He served as general chair of IWSDA'07, IEEE-ITW'06, SETA'06, IWSDA'05, WSN'05, PDCAT'03 and IWSDA'01, and TPC chair or TPC member of more than 20 international conferences. He serves as the guest editor-in-chief of the IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, IEICE Trans. on Info. and Syst. (Japan), Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (Inderscience Publishers, USA), the Journal Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (USA), Chinese Journal of Electronics (CIE), Journal of Radlo Science (CIE), etc. He is the inventor of 20 patents, and the author of over 300 research papers and 8 books, including six books published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, RSP (1996), IEEE Press (2003,2006) and Springer (2004) and Nova Science, respectively. Recent and Current on-going research projects led by Dr Fan are funded by RFBR (Russia), Royal Society (UK), DAAD (Germany), MEXT/JSPS (Japan), RGC (Hong Kong), IITA/KOSEF (Korea), NSFC (China), National 863 project (MOST), industrial companies and other sources. His research interests include CDMA theory and technology, information theory & coding, sequence design & applications, radio resource management, cellular radio positioning, etc.