To solve the problems of high energy consumption, large number of iterations and unrealistic assumption of ideal link in the existing lifetime maximization algorithms in wireless sensor networks(WSNs), the efficient distributed link quality- aware algorithms were proposed, which took the link quality into account when calculated the load of a node. Two methods were proposed for a switching node to choose a new parent. One considered the hop count, and the other ignored the hop count. Furthermore, a prediction strategy was developed to predict the path load of the new parent assuming the switching node had switched to the new parent. If the predicted path load was greater than the path load of the current parent before switc- hing, then the switching node would not switch to the new parent. This prediction strategy made sure that each switching of node made the network more load-balanced, which results in faster convergence of the algorithm. The simulation results dem- onstrate that our algorithms outperform the existing algorithms in terms of network lifetime, energy consumption, and rate of convergence.